Sunday, October 06, 2013

AM I UNLUCKY OR IS IT IN THEIR DNA TO BE CHILDISH?? Hi sweethearts, this is an amazing story,with a question attached to it from one of our very own, who has decided to remain anonymous . As at the time i decided to start dating ,I met this cute guy that I would describe as a pretty face,really we were young and as for me, I was just interested in flaunting the fact ,that I had someone new in my life, to my friends. Two weeks later ,my bf as it is popularly shortened as, started pressuring me about having sex with him, I got uncomfortable at the timing, and I found myself slowly drifting away ,because I didnt see the need for the rush,and to my surprise he barely noticed ,that convinced me even more that sex was all he wanted. I took a chill pill on dating, after some 6-8months .I kind of found someone else. We did get along so well, like fairy tale, it was that romantic from my perspective tho,and after a while he started having issues about his present situation, issues like how he hated being broke and staying broke, to my greatest surprise he became uncomfortable with me because he had never been in a situation like that, and his mood swings even made him ask me to leave him alone (all by himself) sometimes, I really found it strange,and finally found myself occupied with other things because truly my life couldnt stop because someone pushed me away,years went by and he started wanting me back into his life. I really hadnt moved on but i wanted to, so bad, and thats how i fell into the next ones arms. Ok as we all how love at first sight can be,we met and we fell in love,went on couple of dates ,did fun things that kept our memories going, the love felt great, but didnt stop me from noticing how distance,little misunderstandings and petite attitude started creeping in, over time he started becoming interested in my female friends than in me, calling them sweet names-any thing sweet you can think of, instead of making them jealous of me for being his, he made me jealous of them and from there I started feeling like that pest-i mean mosquito . It didnt even take that long after some cold war: per say- that type where ,he calls once and gives thousands of excuses and misses the you-me moments you guys usually share; that he decided to call me over the phone with a very down tune of voice, explaining and telling me of how sorry he was, and that he was cheating on me all the while we were having our silent/cold war and he didnt think it was fair enough ,as he saw me taking the blame for our present situation. he spoke on how the name 'play boy' his friends call him is what got into his head and how he needed me to not leave him, for the wrong he's done to what we have. I will stop here, but the real question is Am I just unlucky or am i reason for each treatment?? xoxo!!! ome

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