Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Is it a person who is involved in influencing public policy and decision making this includes people who hold decision-making positions in government, and people who seek those positions, whether by means of election, or other lawful means, OR an individual who is brutal, cruel, warlike, insensitive, OR a cruel brutal fellow,rough restless hoodlum,disruptive or unlawful in behavior . We on the other side are trying so hard to distinguish between our politicians barbarians hooligans and so many other names that kind of describe actions we have seen so far ,from what we see and hear in our present day, we are forced to continually ask the question. Is government an instrument of good or is it every man for himself .Is there something big we really want to reach for,
or is self interest our basic resting post. Am still of the opinion that the wrong path politics is taking is the reason why our country is on a back and forth contest .The very moment you put this country first, every thing will begin to show signs of a better tomorrow . Lets cultivate a great economy, wage war on poverty not poor people ,do the right thing no matter the consequences that's why we put you there, be our leader, be the moral centre of what is right, be the integrity of your position and office, you can reach for the stars and not identify yourself by the evil you do. To my fellow citizens ,young and old ,rich and poor, christians ,muslims and other religions ,the media and other devices or medium that have the opportunity to create a change, you have a duty to stand up for what is right, speak the truth, differentiate between answers and nonsense, and If we don't change, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living because progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. WE CAN DO BETTER xoxo!!! ome

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