Thursday, October 17, 2013

Robert Pattinson Says He's Attracted to the Way a Woman Smells
During an interview with Portuguese magazine Activa, Robert Pattinson revealed that out of the common five senses, there's one that plays an especially important role when deciding whether or not he's attracted to someone. Surprise! It's not sight. Surely a pretty face may get the actor's attention, but smelling nice will keep Pattinson intrigued. "It doesn't necessarily have to be perfume," Rob said [quotes courtesy of Huffington Post U.K. "I like the smell of people. It is really strange and I'm sure it has to do with pheromones," Pattinson added. "We like people because subconsciously we like the way they smell. I always find this very interesting to observe." Of course, an appealing scent is just one thing that can capture R.Pattz's heart. "Someone knowing who they are, it's the best," the A-lister, who is known for his down-to-earth demeanor, told Harper's Bazaar Arabia in a new interview. "I guess because it's the opposite of what I am—I am so all over the place." "If someone looks good in their clothes, it's because they are comfortable in their own skin," he explains. "It's literally just like owning it. Oh no! That is so lame, I feel like I am on Project Runway saying ‘own that.'" And someone who can laugh at his endearing charm would be good, too Ladies, take note.

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