Thursday, October 17, 2013

We will pursue and punish corrupt civil servants, politicians, ICPC vows
Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) has vowed not to relent in its pursuit of corrupt civil servants and politicians who have stolen public fund. Chairman of ICPC, Barr. Ekop Nta said at the University of Abuja 2013 2nd alumni lecture with the theme: ‘Small and Medium Scale Enterprises As Avenues For Wealth Creation In Nigeria’ that Nigeria had system decay in the past and that is what the agency was presently reforming. He warned civil servants that ICPC is still keeping track of cash movement, adding that while in office, any civil servant that has N10 million and above in his or her account will be invited for questioning Nta, who expressed sadness that the poor people were the victims of corruption said: “As I speak to you, we are arresting on daily basis persons who are stealing pension by creating ghost pensioners. Be mindful of the civil service regulations that says you are not to run business outside of farming when you are in the civil service because you filled the Code of Conduct form and when ICPC sees the movement of N10 million in your account ICPC will invite you to explain how you got the money and if you said I did a contract I will refer you to the relevant sections and your properties may be seized.” He advised civil servants to start planning early enough for retirement adding that many steal public funds because they fail to plan for retirement. He advised politicians to desist from corrupt tendencies that are capable of destroying their future and that of the country. While investigations are on, Nta disclosed that he had written to the Power Holding Company of Nigerian (PHCN) demanding for their debtor’s list, especially the corporate debtors in the public service. His words: “I am very optimistic that with the current focus on system review, Nigeria has the potential to achieve whatever we want to achieve. We are now keeping track of cash movement; the old days of carrying cash around are over. When the communities also begin to understand that by asking the politicians to give them money cash and he give them. What he has given to you is part of your public health system that he has taken away. That is your school going, he is not philanthropic, it is the money has to take from somewhere. Because if he has that kind of money he will use it for himself, if it is his own hard earn money, he will not be throwing it around. The poor people are the victims of corruption. “I started building a school ten years to my retirement date. By 47 my full structure was in place and how was I doing that. I did that without taking a loan. I contributed part of my salary and my touring allowance. If they give me a touring allowance I will not go and stay in a five star Hotel, I will look for a small clean guest house. So by the time I was leaving the civil service at age 47 I moved into my school project and I became even busier than when I was in service. “Don’t wait until you retire because two things will happen. You either will steal money and ICPC will be waiting for you. Even when you retire, I hope you know now that I am even bringing back those people who retired. And you may be unlucky somebody is stealing your pension. “I am carrying out an investigation now. I wrote to Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) to give me the list of debtors, corporate debtors particularly in the public service. It is the common men who are paying. And they are not getting the power. So if we are honest and the big agencies pay up these public agencies will perform. We must begin to reform our society in order to tap the great potentials we have as a nation. We had system decay in the past and that is what we are working on now.

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