Monday, January 27, 2014

This is Just Wrong :Suspected Robbers Stoned To Death In Lagos

Two suspects were stoned to death in Sabo, Yaba area of Lagos State after being beaten by youths for allegedly robbing a resident. The suspects allegedly attacked a 79-year-old man, Pa Thomas Emmanuel, in his McNeil Road apartment around 3.30am on Monday. According to the elderly man, the suspected robbers beat up his guest and demanded that he should give them money. “I was in my room and my guest was in my sitting room but, because there was no electricity, I opened the main doors for cross ventilation. About 3.30 a.m., two guys entered my apartment. “One of them slapped my guest and took her phone and charger. The other guy told me to give him money and I told him all I had was N30 which I kept inside my Bible. He took my telephone and wristwatch,” the old man narrated. Nemesis, however, caught up with the suspected robbers when some youths in the area, who had noticed their suspicious movement, trailed them to the apartment. One of the youths narrates “Around 3.20 am, I was returning from a club when I noticed two strange faces on Little Road. When the guys saw me, they pretended to be fixing an abandoned bus. They were both talking as if they were a bus driver and conductor waiting for day break. “Later, they continued to roam the street, so I informed my friends and together we trailed them. “They entered Pa – Thomas’s house and then we heard the elderly man screaming for help. “We surrounded the compound waiting for the thieves to come out. When they saw that they were trapped, one of them jumped the fence into the next compound on Little Road but we were able to catch one while the other escaped.” “I was about to sleep about an hour later when I heard that the second robber who hid inside another compound was exposed by a resident and was handed over to some youths.” The men were stoned to death after being stri*ped unclad and their bodies dumped at a spot along Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo

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